Friday, February 18, 2011

2 Timothy 4

This was the last chapter we studied during Bible Study last Tuesday.  I am not going to explain everything in detail on this post, but I will highlight some key points.
Verses 1-5:
In this last chapter of this book Paul is giving his last instructions to Timothy.  The book of 2 Timothy by the way is known to be one of Paul’s last writings before he died a martyr’s death.  He stresses the importance of preaching the Word and to be ready in season and out of season.  This means, be ready to preach when things are going well and when they’re not going so well.  Be ready to preach when it’s most convenient to you and when it’s least convenient to you.  Preach the Word with all you’ve got when there’s electricity and when there’s no electricity.  When there is an audience of one and when there is a stadium full of people listening to the Word.  The point is BE READY.  In order for us to BE READY, we have to maintain a good relationship with God and be reading and studying His Word daily.  We are also reminded in verse 2 that we can use the Word of God to CONVINCE, REBUKE, and EXHORT.  Convince- to make someone agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; to persuade.  Despite what other people make think or believe, we CAN use the Word to persuade or CONVINCE people to serve Him or give their life to Him!  Rebuke- to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.  This, I know will not sit well with a lot of people living in this generation, BUT the Word of God CAN be used to disapprove of something or to reprimand someone or a particular behavior or way of living.  Exhort- to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently.  Many people today and even Christians think they are living perfect lives and have no room for improvement because they already know it all, BUT the Word CAN be used to advise someone or to caution someone.  No one, Christian is okay fighting the battle alone.  God created us to depend on Him and to be united with other believers in MUTUAL, HUMBLE, submission.  Another thing Paul mentioned was that this preaching, convincing, rebuking, exhorting was to be done with all longsuffering and teaching.  When we preach the Word of God we have to be patient with the hearers and with those who are learning and growing.  We have to suffer long with them through their growth and we have to TEACH.  TEACHING is something that is seldom being done in churches and Bible Study groups today.  It’s more of a social gathering and an honoring of traditions, rituals, and men.  When we gather together it MUST be for EDIFICATION.  We have to PREACH and TEACH.  If we don’t teach how are people going to know their God and serve Him?  I think this is why we have so many people serving God out of feeling and emotion, and worst of all opinion.  In today’s church everyone serves God how they see fit, instead of how God commands. 
In verse 3 Paul is predicting a time when people would no longer endure sound doctrine.  I think we are now living the time Paul was predicting.  Sound doctrine is core, principal truths that are immovable, infallible, concrete and uncompromisable.  Sound doctrine is sometimes hard to understand for the natural, human mind.  It just doesn’t make sense because it his hardcore spiritual.  True sound doctrine has to be ENDURED.  I’ll give a couple of brief examples.  One doctrinal truth is that hell DOES exist and that anyone who does not come to trust in Christ for salvation will definitely go there.  This is not easy to digest.  Hell is a very ugly topic.  No one wants to go to sleep thinking about hell.  I don’t think anyone enjoys talking about hell, BUT it is a reality and a doctrinal truth.  Some people would choose rather to not believe in a hell and in doing so, not endure the sound doctrine.  Instead they form their own beliefs out of their own rationalization and say there is no hell and preach to others that there is no hell.  This is what Paul was speaking about in 3 and 4.
Verse 5 is stressing the importance of doing our work as evangelists and FULFILLING our ministries.  If we are believers , then we are part of the body of Christ and God has blessed everyone in the body, with a specific function, gift, ability, talent, and He wants us to FULFILL our ministry.  God did NOT call us to be stagnant or stale believers, but rather active and passionate.  God wants YOU and me to FULFILL our ministry.  In verses 6-8, Paul is saying his farewell and prophesying that he will die soon for the Lord.  He stressed three important things that he achieved during his life and theses 3 should be our Christian life goals.  We should FIGHT the good fight, FINISH the race, and KEEP our faith.  Many Christians today are in danger of doing the opposite, they are giving up, they are turning back and they are losing faith.  Our goals are ACTION goals.  Live for Christ today!  FIGHT! FINISH! And KEEP!  Fight the good fight every day!  Run in such a way to FINISH the race! KEEP your faith! 
In verses 9-16 he briefly mentions about certain people forsaking him and abandoning him in the ministry.  I think this scenario points out to us that we can NOT depend on anyone to do the work of ministry…only God.  There will be times when we’ll be standing alone, BUT we can NEVER give up.  If everyone at church will stand with us……AWESOME!  If we are left alone….WE MUST CONTINUE ON and trust the Help of the Holy Spirit!
One last thing that I found pretty interesting from verse 17 was that not only was Daniel from the Old Testament delivered from the Lion’s mouth, but also Paul!  Christ was living through Paul and Paul was NOT living for himself, but for Christ.